Sunday, 27 April 2014

A Little Hardship

Today, I'm really sad and I would like to share it with my lovely readers...
          Remember of me telling on how much I feel like wanting to go back home in my previous post? Actually for this last sem, I had bought a return way plane ticket to my hometown... And I was very happy since I'm going to have two full weeks of holiday eventhough for a usual student, they might have two or three full months of holiday but for my case, I've got only two weeks of holiday but I'm still glad if I'm going to have only two weeks.
          But then, everything went off when my university wants to cut the holidays where it supposed to end in 6th July but then it end in 29th June. I feel really upset about it because I didn't have the enough holiday that I had expected and the fact that I had already buy my plane ticket. I also had plan my schedule for my full time two weeks of holiday where I want to learn cooking, sewing and planned to go for an outing... But then, I had to replanned again... I really hate this kind of stuff... Its really makes me sad... :'(

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