Monday 28 April 2014

셍일 족아 해 요 성규 어빠 ♡ ♡ ♡

                Hello, Anyeong, Namaste and Assalamualaikum. Today is Sunggyu Oppa’s Birthday. I was so delighted today even though this is not my birthday. Hahaha….XD Well, if you know Sunggyu oppa, I want to tell you something. He is my bias. The first and the most who I bias among all Korean artist…
                If you don’t know about him, I would like tell you a little bit about him. He is one of Infinite members where he acts as a leader. He is also the lead vocal of Infinite and the eldest one. If you know about Infinite, he is the one with the smallest eyes. His eyes’ measurements only 1 cm if he had a normal reaction. He also feels really uncomfortable whenever someone talks about his eyes or his age. He had said before in a variety show that he did not have any aegyo. But if he does the gwiyomi, he stills look cute for me…XD
                There are a lot of times in a variety show that he keeps mentioning his mother and he always credited everything (apart from the company, the staff or the members) to his mother. And there were a lot of English songs where he had made a cover for it for example, Beauty and The Beat by Justin Bieber and Insomnia by David Craig. He also had gone to a lot of variety shows for example, Running Man, Weekly Idol, Hello Counselor and many more. He is also the first person in Infinite where released his own solo album called, ‘Another Me’. In that album, my favorite track is I Need You and 60 secs. For me, he is known as The Bad Boy Prince. Well, even though he acts like a bad boy, but he is still my ideal type… J
                There’s a lot more about him but I think it is better for you to Google it up yourself if you want to know more about him. This is a few of my favorite pictures of him… Hope you enjoy…J

Happy 26th Birthday Oppa.... Hope you will become more healthier in this year, and have more charisma as the leader and will always shine on the stage... :)

Sunday 27 April 2014

A Little Hardship

Today, I'm really sad and I would like to share it with my lovely readers...
          Remember of me telling on how much I feel like wanting to go back home in my previous post? Actually for this last sem, I had bought a return way plane ticket to my hometown... And I was very happy since I'm going to have two full weeks of holiday eventhough for a usual student, they might have two or three full months of holiday but for my case, I've got only two weeks of holiday but I'm still glad if I'm going to have only two weeks.
          But then, everything went off when my university wants to cut the holidays where it supposed to end in 6th July but then it end in 29th June. I feel really upset about it because I didn't have the enough holiday that I had expected and the fact that I had already buy my plane ticket. I also had plan my schedule for my full time two weeks of holiday where I want to learn cooking, sewing and planned to go for an outing... But then, I had to replanned again... I really hate this kind of stuff... Its really makes me sad... :'(

Dinner to Attend!!!!

Oh My God!!!
          I forgot about the dinner! The dinner is just around the corner but I'm still not ready for it... I didn't buy the dress, the shoes, the make up yet... What am I going to do?
          Oh gosh! I think this week I had to go all for it... Buying all the things that I should buy for a dinner of couse... If possible, I would like to dress differently at that time so when I went in, people might think me as a cinderella.. Hahaha.. Just kidding... But as a girl, I do want to dress up too since when I was a kid, I didn't dress up a lot because of my behaviour more into a boy at that time... Hahaha... Growing up had turned me to be a real lady ok?
          Thinking of the grand of the dinner makes me overwhelm since I didn't have a lot of friends here yet and what would I do when everyone had their own grouping while I'm going to be left out? Thinking of it makes me didn't want to go... But since I already paid for it so, I have to go... Wasting is not a good thing you know and also I would get a free of charge food so what is the point of not going isn't? I'm going to save my money at that day so I get the chance to eat a lot at that time... Hahaha... (Going there just to eat and destroying own images? )(-.-')
          I can't wait for the dinner since this would be my first dinner as a University Student.. Hahaha... Can't really wait... :)

Saturday 26 April 2014

A New Laptop

          I'm going to buy a new laptop for myself!!! This is going to be my first time on buying my own laptop even if I'm going to count, this is my second laptop actually. The first one is a gift from someone but unfortunately, after using it for almost 3 years now, it literally want to retire now... So sad uh..? But still, I love my old laptop and I think I want to give him a side way job just like a retired uncle driving a taxi since he would like to retired soon... :)
          I can't wait actually and I had planned to buy a 15-inch this time because the old one is only 7-inch... Going all out to buy the new laptop isn't? Well thanks to my sponsor who diligently sponsoring me with money to buy a new laptop. I'm planning to buy a laptop with a high processor and a high grafic card since excluding for my assignment, I also want to buy a laptop where I can play the Sims game... It's been a long time for me to find that game and to play it to my heart content and now, since I'm going to buy a new laptop, why not buying a laptop that can compatible to play the Sims with it right?
          I'm really looking forward on buying it... Can't wait to see what my new laptop going to look like.. Hehehe... :)

Week of Examination

          That is the only thing that keep popping out in my mind.... This week I feel like I want to throw things around and want to shout really loudly... Yes, definitely people would say that I'm in stress zone... And without doubting and denying, its true... Everything seems like falling apart...
          Its hard to just keep reading a text book for 2 hours without break and certainly for others, they might think that reading a book for two hours is just a common thing but for me, I'm definitely not categorize as that type of person... I'm more into calculating or drawing perhaps... But certainly not reading... I think I might die of boreness on reading alone... Even when my lecturers told me to just read a 4 pages of articles, I'd without hesistantly waves a white flag... It's really hard for me to just read a thing constantly...
          And now comes the week of examination, where I had to read... But gladly, not like the previous semester, I have only one read based subject which is microeconomics... So that's why I feel like a lot more better than before but still, reading is not my thing... And I gladly admit it... Hahaha...
          Now, I'm just going to prepare for my mid-term... Even it is just a mid-term but I think I should give my best in it... As what my mother always hope for, isn't it? And even if I had to stress out and struggles but in the end it's really for my own sake right? Hope you guys pray and wish me luck for my mid-term...

p/s: And not to forget thanks for the pray... :)

Saturday 12 April 2014

MOney, 돈 and Duit

          What would you do if you have a lot of money suddenly? Well, probably majority of population in this world would go crazy if they were given a certain high amount of money in just a day. They would be like 'I want to buy this and I want to buy that,' isn't? So, it just a normal thing if a person loves money very much. There is a saying 'Money is not everything but it could buy mostly everything." Well, it is truth if we look at today's perspective. Mostly everyone loves money.
          The reason why I talk about money is yesterday I've just got my scholarship. And I am very happy about it since I had wait for it for almost 2 months now. But the time of hardly waiting for it as if had gone with the wind when I look at the amount of money in my bank. Well, I've never had a lot of money like that in just a single day so I am feeling really delighted.
          Before I get it, I was thinking to buy a lot of things from it but now, I feel like I didn't want to spend it at all. I'm afraid if it will run out. Then for that instance I understand on why a lot of rich people or in Korea they said as chaebol are stingy. I thought maybe because they afraid if their money would run out too...
          Thinking of it had makes me laugh a bit because before, I had talked back about a certain rich people which is so stingy on giving/donating his/her money. Well, now I understand them but it is not the reason why they should be so stingy because money is everywhere now and we will never run out of it. But certainly to defend themselves, they would say that they had been facing a lot of hard things to achieve what they had now. Well for that, I wouldn't blame them. Anyway it's their money so it's up to them to spend it to their liking.
            I was thinking to spend my money by buying a new phone for my little brother, a new laptop for myself, a little for my mother and a treat for my family. And not to forgot, I want to buy the plane ticket also... Hahaha... I'm not going to stay here for the next holiday. It would be too quiet and too lonely because certainly, there would be no one at all in the hostel at that period of time. Well not to blame them and honestly, I feel so delighted to went back home. I think I had been away from home for a long time already but honestly, it is only been 2 months. It's not like ages at all but maybe because I miss my home so much that why I feel so delighted. Hahaha....
          Well then, the delightful of receiving a lot of money would last for a week or maybe a month. I don't know. But I'm so happy and I hope the readers are also happy whether because of reading my post or because of other things. For those who didn't happy maybe because of money, I would like to give you some of mine (happiness I mean). Hahaha.... Just joking... Well, I would like to give those who read my today's post a gift. Hope you like it... :)

It's my first give to the reader.... I'm so nervous...

Ta-da... Do You Like It?

Right Now Most Of The People Wants : Raining of Money...

Living Alone

                Today’s post is about living alone. Okay, I decided to write about this post because right now I know the feeling of living alone. Maybe it’s because of holiday and there is none here in the college that makes me feel so alone. I barely could see a person around so it’s really suffocating and I think I’d become insane. Talking to my own, singing loudly, dancing like a crazy person and even start talking to my teddy bear….
                I don’t know what exactly happen to me. I like to live alone in the room but if I were left alone in this college is something that I really did not want and never cross my mind. It’s really feels like living alone in this whole world. No fun, no entertainment and I feel like there is no life in me. Waking up in the morning without any sounds of human is something that is really makes me becoming more insane.
                There is once where my friends had gone to my college and they said that they felt my college is like a hospital. Quiet, the white paint on the wall and the tidiness looks exactly like a hospital. Remembering back about what they had said makes me feels like living in an insane hospital. Where I could do whatever I want because there is no one around. Even if I shout maybe there is no one could hear it and no one would prevent me from shouting over and over again.
                And now the only thing I could do to prevent this loneliness is by watching movies or drama and listening to music. This is what I would like to do in my holiday isn’t? But now my holidays only have been 4 days and I feel like it’s already a boring holiday.  What should I do to overcome this? Urghh… it’s so boring and it’s so suffocating… :(

The Breeaak Of Mid-Term

          Mid-term break is in the corner. And I'm seriously glad about it. This past few weeks had turn me into a person who only busy finishing her assignment until she missed to watch dramas and reality shows that she was never had missed before....:( So pity isn't? (Carrying a title of university student isn't something easy as one should sometimes or would be most of the time let go his/her times to spend on other leisure works/things to just finish the pile of assignment given)
          Therefore for this mid term, I will give it all out to cover all the things that I had missed before.... Hahaha... I even write down all the things that I should do during the mid term. But most of it is watching dramas... Hehehe... Well this mid term break is the only the time where I had to relax myself by doing things that I'd like or miss. Because after this, assignment would be the only thing that I would do...:(
          Well, living in the hostel would give me all time in the world to do what I would like to do. FYI, I didn't go to my hometown for this mid-term break too because of the distance and I didn't buy the plane ticket yet and I know if I buy it in the last minute it would be too expensive. So I just hold myself from going back since I planned to go back at the end of this sem and in the Hari Raya holiday. Well because of having a short sem, so this year I wouldn't have a two month holiday just like the other university students normally have. So sad isn't it?
          But my mother often said that I have to endure it since I have to study over South China Sea and because of a piece of paper that I should get, so I would/should have to endure it. Well, my mother is always right... I'm the one who choose to study far away from home so I'm the one also who had to endure all the challenge I would certainly face in this far away land from home... So even it is for a week of holiday but ㅊcertainly, I had to hold it..
          So back to the story of the holiday, I really can't wait for the holiday... Time would you please pass really quickly? If you can, go to the Holiday.... Yeeeeaaaahhhh 팔리...졸발....

‘Someone which I labelled as annoying’

                Do you have ever felt annoying to someone? Annoying is a feeling when someone felt irritated to the other. So I guess everybody had felt it before, right?
                Today I would like to talk about my experience on feeling annoying to someone. This is because that person never fails to make me feel she is so annoying. The first time I meet that person is when I thought that she is my roommate’s friend, so I treat her like my guest when she went to my room. But later that I know, when I had a little chat with her, I found out that she is someone who is so resistant to a thing. For example, she kept on talking to one thing and kept on asking my opinion about that thing even though I had told her about it. And she keeps on telling me about that one thing. Even though when she keeps telling me that and I feel like I want to shut her out but then I could not do anything except just trying to humour her instead.
                Then when we had mid-term break, I could not go back home because of the distance so I decided to just stay in my college. Later that I know, she was staying too. And she asked me if she could instead sleep in my room rather than at her room because she afraid to sleep alone. So because of feeling pity of her and I rather to have an accompaniment and from the way she asked me as if my roommate had given her the permission to stay at our room, so I decided to let her sleep in. So that was when everything went wrong. I think after that she kept on clinging to me. And honestly speaking, I hate someone who is like that.
                She kept on asking me a lot of thing when she was staying to sleep in my room. She asked why I kept on hearing music or did I not feel tired of it or even why I heard music in a high volume... Alright, I was feeling so fed up of her kept on asking me things. I was like urgggh this girl didn’t her have anything to do than asking me like a detective. And that was when I feel she is the most annoying person in my life that I have ever seen.
                And after that one night, I think I don’t want to let her sleep in anymore. I rather be alone than have an accompaniment like her. But then I couldn’t do as what I wish, the next day, she asked to let her sleep in again. And I couldn’t resist her. So I just let her in again... And for the continuous next day, she kept on asking again until one time she does not even have to ask me but she just barged in. Then I started to feel so irritated of her so there’s one time when I pretend not to hear her knocking on the door. But then, she is knocking as like she wants to break that door. I was so surprised because she looks like a graceful and sweet girl but then the way she knock on the door makes me feel urgggh this girl would better kill me that day.
                After the mid-term break, one day suddenly, my roommate asked me, “When exactly did you get closed to her?” I was surprised to my roommate’s question. And I asked my roommate back, “Why?” And my roommate say that there were a lot of time where she knocked on the door to just ask about what I do at that time and my roommate said that maybe because of me using headphone most of the time so that is why I didn’t hear her knocking.
                I was so surprised by that fact and I just tell my roommate about what had exactly happen in the mid-term break. My roommate honestly said to me that she didn’t feel comfortable with her because of the way she looks at someone as if she feels that person is so annoying. I laughed because of that. And after my roommate’s confession then I realised about it too. But then maybe it is just the way she looks at someone. And because of the way my roommate confessed about her that makes me thought maybe my roommate is not as closed friend with her as to what I thought of.
                After that incident, she entered my room and asked to borrow some of my hanger. And I just lend it to her. But then I was thinking, she comes from a wealthy family where even her home has a CCTV and her home is not far away from the university, and why exactly she borrows thing from someone who is not wealthy and her home is far away enough for her not to buy things so lightly. I’m not stingy to lend my things to anyone but I just couldn’t understand why she borrows it even though recently, she could afford to buy a beauty supplement which cost RM180. Why just she didn’t try to buy the other thing like hanger with the RM180? I think she could afford to buy 100 dozens of hanger for herself only.
                And there was one time recently when I was busy studying and want to finish my assignment because it was due to the next day, so I was all to the head and toe to finish it quickly. But then she entered the room and distracted me by asking me question about math. Before that she asked me if I am busy and I said yes but then because of lack of consideration maybe, she just asked me without considering my situation at that time. I was so angry with her at that time but then I just hold it. I try to explain to her but she still didn’t get it. And she didn’t let me get off from that question before she could understand all about it. Then, when I had made her understand about it, she asked me the other question. I just want to storm off to her and said I had a lot of assignment to finish off but then I hold it again… I don’t know how many times I have to hold myself because of her.
                Then there was one time also, she entered my room and asked me a few of question and before she leaves, she takes my roommate’s peanut and asked me to tell my roommate later. I was so shocked about her behaviour because as I know, we shouldn’t take anyone things without their permission first especially if it is a food. Then I just said yes. Luckily, my roommate didn’t get angry because of it. But if it were me, I would feel really uncomfortable if someone takes my things before asking me first.
                Alright I think it is enough for me to talk about that person, even though I think there are a lot of things that I didn't share yet about that person but if I write again, it wasn't enough to fill one or two pages for her alone. Anyway the reason why I post about her not only to express my annoying feeling towards her but also to remind me and to the readers about how much a person could make the others feeling annoyed so much and I hope that everyone could take moral values from this post as to not make the other person feels just like how I feel towards her alone.

P/s: Sorry guys and girls if the post of this week is too heavy to grasp because I couldn’t stand anymore about her behaviour towards me…. L