Monday, 17 March 2014

A Problem That I Couldn't Handle!!!

I was thinking about, is there anyone who had the same problem like me? I had this serious sickness which is I kept thinking about someone that I used to like or something in the past especially something that makes me embarrassed. Before I didn't know about me having this kind of sickness and I didn't care about it at all. But recently, when I went to a shopping mall and accidentally I've went to a fortune teller, it said that I am a person that likes to think about trifling things.
And I definitely denied it. Saying it is such a bulls**t. But when I come to think of it, I am really-really that kind of person. Even though I didn't want it, but I kept on thinking of it. What should I do? Is this really some kind of sickness?
There wasn't a day I kept on thinking something that I think I should have forget it a long time ago. 'Why I kept on thinking of that?' that's what I kept asking myself. And I think I am such a stupid person whom always think about something that I shouldn't have think about at that time.
I have ask my friends. They said try to think optimistically or don't think of it. None of this satisfied me. I want an answer that can make me become much better. There is even a time where I wish I had an amnesia. Where I forgot about something or someone that I should have never remember at all... But then, my life would not be as interesting as now... I don't know what way can make me feel better... Like now or...

p/s: if someone could help me or having the same situation just like me, please kindly tell me... if I could, I want to get better as soon as possible.. but I hope the way is legal.. :)

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