Thursday 15 May 2014

A New Laptop

Hello hello hello....

         I'm sorry for not writing and posting last week and for this week it is a bit late... I'm busy with my assignments and etc... And for this week I had tell you that I had a dinner... Well about the dinner I'll tell on the other post okay...? Check out my other post---->
          Ewah, just kidding. Well back to the main title ^ look up ^, it is about my new laptop... Do you remember that I want to buy a new laptop for myself? Well honestly, I had buy it.... Hehehehe... I am so  happy....
          Well, it is not the latest design or the most expensive one but gladly, I've grown to like it... Very very much... Actually it had been my teddy bear since I bought it.. Every time I sleep, I would put it beside me... It makes me happy just by looking at it.. Huhuhu...
         Alright, these are some of the pictures... ASUS X552L... Hope you like it too... :)

This is the views from the sideways.. This model comes in 2 colours, black and white... I choose black since I afraid it would easily get dirty...

This model is 15 inch where it has a numeric keypad... I deliberately bought this type because it is more easier for me to key in numbers when I had to prepare for my Account's assignments...

This is the front view... My roommate said that she could look at my new laptop from far away... Hehehe... Well, this type is good and the speaker's sound is more louder than my old laptop but the sound is a bit like a box sound.. I don't know maybe it is just my feelings... Hehehe...

These are the free gifts... I think since I bought it a lot more cheaper than the actual price so I've got all cheap free gifts... And I didn't use it at all since I still got my old one and it is much better then this one...

Sunday 4 May 2014

The Most Precious Word

          Everyone knows what is the real meaning of sorry... Whether if we have ever said it in our life or not, but the truth is there are not a single person whom never had known the word of sorry in this world. But do we realised that or do we have ever asked ourself on how many times in a day do we say sorry if we made a mistakes? Do we say the little but precious word 'sorry' very often or not?' It depends on ourselves and we are the one who knows ourselves better than anyone in the world...
          Actually, why we didn't say sorry to someone we had make mistakes before? And is it really hard to say just a simple word of sorry? Do the word would hurt or kill us if we said it?. That is the question that keeps on bugging in my mind whenever I was in that situation. When someone made a mistakes towards me but as the usual thing that I'd do is I would ignore it.. Thinking of that person may not know that he/she had made a mistakes or he/she didn't like to say that word or even didn't know the existence of that word in this world...
          But then, when the time passed, I get to know on how much valuable and precious of hearing just the simple word of sorry. It seems to be very valuable now but when it comes to be that way, I hardly heard that word now. Maybe because of my attitude before, who keeps ignoring to hear that word, so most of the people used to not saying sorry to me now... But I would figure that way out because it is my problems...
          So, the way of we saying that word also matters... It would be one of a great factor to show on how we know to differentiate whether we sincerely feels sorry if we made a mistakes or not. Because right now, even if we keeps on hearing that word but the sincerity level would be different. If someone says sorry and then just walk away, it means that he/she didn't feel sorry at all. But it would be different if he/she says sorry and keeps on telling us that word, it means he/she really means it. Well, this is based on my experience and while looking on the others.. Actually, I had grown a new habit for myself which is keeps on looking at others or the most accurate word is observing others...
          Well, that is my problem but the things is, sorry is really a big matters even with the non-stop growing of the world nowadays.. It is one of the most word that matters for someone... So as a conclusion, I want to say sorry for every mistakes that I had made to everyone who knows me or not... May our live would always remain in peace.. :)

p/s: this is not just for the loyal readers but also for myself to reflect on how have we made our day or ourselves in the eyes of the world and most especially in the eyes of the God.. :)